Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Amendment Six and It's Meaning

Amendment Six

In other words, amendment six gives us the right to have a lawyer and the right to a speedy trial. The speedy trial was made to assure that someone convicted or accused of a crime do not have to wait years for their trial to take place. The time varies from state to state. If the state goes over the time limit of the date promised, the case will be dismissed. A person may also waive the speedy trial in order to have more time until their trial. The reason for all of this is to assure that no one that is innocent sits in jail for five years while awaiting their trial. The accused also has the right to an unprejudiced jury to view and decide on their case.

In my opinion, amendment six is very important, especially for those who are innocent. It promises that they will not be put in jail while awaiting their trial date and instead they will get to the trial quickly. It also gives them the right to waive the speedy trial so one can have more time to prepare which is always nice considering that life can be hectic at times. I think this amendment is very important and without it there would be a lot of injustices with sending innocent people to jail to wait. It gives the accused the right to have witnesses come to their trial to testify for them and be informed of all the charges being brought against them. These are all significant aspects of the amendment. You also get the right to an attorney which is a very important aspect of the amendment.

This video explains the sixth amendment very well. It gives the example of someone waiting five years in jail for jay-walking- this would be absurd. This shows the importance of the amendment. It also explains the other aspects of the amendment and the importance, it gives awesome examples and it helps in my better understanding of the amendment. The ending of the video is pretty cool because she says that we all have the rights of this amendment and that all convicts are humans too J

This cartoon is funny and I like it because it points out the biggest aspect of the sixth amendment; the right to a speedy trial.

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